The2.8(2.8 cubic feet or 80 liters) comes in two versions. TheSeries Ihas a wide front baffle, but is shallow in depth. TheMk IIhas a thin front baffle, but is deeper. The difference is mainly in the styling. Both versions are available with two different porting arrangements. The 'Big Port' version offers more mid bass at the expense of some low bass output and is best for most people in most rooms. The 'Twin Port' version has 1/3 octave more bass extension, at the expense of some mid bass output. We generally recommend the 'Big Port' version for most customers.

We also offer two different dual driver designs: the2.8Dynamicand the2.8Ambience. TheDynamicgives a big, powerful sound while maintaining the same overall tonal balance as the normal2.8. TheAmbienceputs a lot more 'weight' in the bass and adds a sense of 'air' to the music. It's our favorite version of the2.8.

The5.6or5.6 Mk II(5.6 cubic feet or 160 liters)offer more bass and dynamics, in a cabinet that is not too large for most rooms. The Mk II is narrower and deeper, but will not accept the Audio Nirvana 15 inch full range speaker.

The8.0 Stealth(8.0 cubic feet or 227 liters) is for those guys for whom WAF (wife acceptance factor) is important. It looks like the smaller 5.6 from the front, but is 5.75 inches deeper. It has more bass and dynamics than the 5.6, but doesn't really look that large.

The13.6(13.6 cubic feet or 385 liters)is a huge cabinet that works best with the larger Audio Nirvana models. It can even hold two 15 inch speakers.

And for those of you looking for something 'different', we offer an open baffle speaker type of cabinet:

TheOpen Baffleis basically just a piece of wood supported by two 'wings' to hold it upright. It doesn't generate a lot of bass and rolls off below 63 hz. However, the sound from the back of the speaker is free to reflect off rear walls and join the sound from the front of the speaker. This gives a 'fat' sound that is very nice for classical music or for people favoring this type of sound. Supplemented with a quality subwoofer, this system gives an unusual presentation. It works best with the largest full range speakers which can generate more bass without the help of a cabinet.

Shipping Information
Shipping is free in the Continental USA. Overseas customers please email for the shipping prices.
Miscellaneous Comments
We're happy to share our experience with other enthusiasts. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.
All speakers are covered by the full factory warranty against original manufacturing defects.
If you already have speakers, you can purchase cabinet construction plans for only $25. We will also include a parts list and setup tips. If you later buy any speakers from us, we will refund the $25.
We guarantee your satisfaction. If you are unhappy with your speakers--for any reason--you can return them (in new condition) for a restocking fee of 10%. However, in 15 years of doing business, we can recall no one who has ever returned their Fostex speakers to us.

David Dicks
CommonSense Audio
34 Wild Horse Way
Chesterfield, Missouri 63005 USA
[email protected]

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What Our Customers Have to Say
'I am delighted with the stunning performance of the Fostex Ambience 2.5 Speakers. They look good and they sound great. They produce a very open and highly detailed image. It's the next best thing to being there!'--PJ Wagner
'I was very impressed with the professional packing, the quality of the cabinet construction, and of course the sound. The Fostex make my formerly favorite speakers sound lifeless, and I no longer constantly twiddle the amp controls looking for a balance between boom and shrill. My tube amps seem to run cooler, and in fact now seem almost overpowered because of the speaker sensitivity. And the ultimate compliment- when friends and family simply say 'wow.'--Joe Strouse
'I just completed construction of the MKII twin port, with Fostex drivers. The clarity of your design is amazing, even before completing the break-in. My main system consists of an Audible Illusions preamp, Sonic Frontiers power and Proac Response 1sc`s. The MKII`s with a modest receiver allow me to hear details that I can`t with the expensive stuff. I`ve been a hobbist for over 30 years and these have changed everything. These have put fun back into the hobby. I was getting burnt out on over priced, under performing components and an industry built on reviewer's hype. I will be singing your praise (and demonstrating it also) to my friends who share our passion.'--Ray Kobald
'The 1.3/FE206E combo has been a great performer in my room. Actually, the best there is. When I can afford, I will consider the 1.3/PM6A or 2.5 II/PM6A.'--Paul Bui
'First of all, thanks for an amazing loudspeaker. A friend of mine ordered a pair of Fostex 206E for himself and for me. We have been speaking of doing this for the past 10 years or so and finally we decided to go for it. Luckily I finished the woodworking first......My friend came down to my house for the first listening session......We were just sitting there and laughing, the sound is amazing, just AMAZING. The clarity and detail is out of this world. And the sound is getting better and better every day. My former loudspeakers were ProAc Response 2.5. They are placed down in the basement for the moment, probably one of my kids will get them in their room, or I will put them on the fire in my garden this summer.!'--Sigurd Krekling (from Norway)
'I have just finished the short run in period of about 30-40 hours. The FE206E are indeed full range drive units. They are mounted in 2.77 cubic foot enclosure with your recommended porting. I am very impressed, there appears to be no frequency peak/ dip that intrudes into the music. Both male and female vocals are beautiful, no hard edge. I am amazed at the sweet high frequencies, no need for a super tweeter. I cannot find anything to complain about, even the low end is correct, not booming or under weight, just there when needed. The FE206E drive units must be the bargain of the century, I have built one of the best loudspeakers systems I have heard for about $300.00. Thank you.'--Laurence Platt
'First of all, I wish you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year spent spreading the cheer of awesome musical reproduction!! I am enjoying your Fostex Micromonitors so much I can't tell you. They are the best speakers, by far, I have ever had or heard, and I have had and heard megabuck speakers from most of the 'big names' in audio. I would endorse them above anything else I know. My space is simply too small for the Minimonitors, and I am happy. Now I read on your site about the Nirvanas. If they are so much better than the Fostex, I am interested.'--JanMiddeldorf
'The speakers continue to break in and are awesome, much more detailed and open than the Vandersteens!'--Robert Cavanaugh
'I installed the Fostex FE206E speakers in the cabinet built on your plans last night. I lack words to describe how ecstatic I am with the sound. Thanks!'--Richard Meyer
'I received them today, Tuesday, in fine shape. I'm very pleased. Thanks.'--Doug Criner
Hehe, I keep getting bitten by the upgrade bug -- View image here: --
I'm probably gonna (try to) build myself a pair of speakers using Fostex 207E drivers, with Fostex Double Bass Reflex enclosure design. Forseen cost total 500-600$cdn.
Whats funny, I have never heard a Fostex driver before :P But supposedly they sound really good.. The audio show I went to had an impressive pair of fullrange driver speakers, but I've found out they weren't Fostex though looked very similar with the whizzer cone...
Has anyone actually ever heard one?